Social emotional learning is the foundation for kids and teens to feel safe, connected and respected. SEL skills cover five core domains: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships, and decision-making. Here are some resources to help you get started with SEL skills for young adults:

A complete social emotional learning curriculum covering five core units for the entire year. It includes lessons, projects, task cards, pre/post assessments, and more.

Use these cards to integrate social emotional skills into your morning meeting time. They are simple, no prep, easy to follow, and fun for learners!

Integrate writing and social emotional learning with this complete yearlong SEL journal. Cover one section per day to learn about skills like growth mindset, self-control, coping strategies, and more.

Over 200 task cards and discussion starters to build social emotional skills with kids and young adults. Talk about one card per day, have partners discuss, or use at centers.

A set of social emotional learning games for kids and teens. Games can be the perfect way to learn about skills in a fun and engaging way.

A year’s worth of social emotional learning choice boards for kids and teens. Use as homework, early finishers, or morning work.

Use art activities to teach social emotional skills with these 40 interactive and creative lessons. Activities target confidence, strengthening relationships, managing emotions, and more.

A total of 40 unique social emotional learning posters highlighting critical SEL skills from empathy to organization.